Resolve DNS with dynamic IP for google domain with ddclient.

Jiashun Zheng
2 min readAug 1, 2020


Very often you will get a dynamic IP from your ISP, so whenever the IP changes you need to notify your domain service provider that you now want to map the domain name to a new IP address, so users will be able to continue visiting your home website with a domain name in the address bar.

ddclient is a tool to automatically update the IP with your domain provider or dynamic DNS provider.

If you happened to use google domain like me, here is a short protocol to setup ddclient to work with google domain:

  1. Install the ddclient, using Ubuntu as an example.
apt install ddclient

In Ubuntu 20.04, the installation will ask a few questions, simply skip those and just install the package.

2. Login to google domain account and get the login/password for your domain.

setup the dynamic DNS credentials for your subdomains
click view credentials to show the login information

3. Editor the configuration

sudo nano /etc/ddclient.conf, replace the login and password with the username and password you get from clicking the “View credentials” in the last step. Notice that curl will provide the IP for your server to be used by ddclient.

# Configuration file for ddclient generated by debconf
# /etc/ddclient.conf
protocol=googledomains, \
login=’mylogin’, password=’mypassword’

4. Test to make sure things are working properly:

sudo ddclient -daemon=0 -debug -verbose -noquiet

5. Restart the ddclient service:

sudo /etc/init.d/ddclient restart

6. Reference:



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